史上最干净正反洗牌 Modern Triumph by Michael Six Muldoon

史上最干净正反洗牌_Modern_Triumph_by_Michael_Six_Muldoon 图1

Modern Triumph by Michael "Six" Muldoon 正反洗牌 还原 胜利




可以说有史以来最干净的triumph 终于出现了。


“这是我看过最干净的一个triumph,他是一位才华横溢的魔术师,best"——Woody Aragon(西班牙魔术大师)

“太完美了,我不能相信我的眼睛"- Patrick Kun(大卫科波菲尔 顾问, 魔术师发明家)

这个triumph 跟其他版本有什么不同呢?





Its finally here, the cleanest most visual Triumph yet. The spectator removes a card, remembers it and places it back. As in the classic triumph the cards are shuffled cleanly face-up into face-down. Instantly the cards are spread to reveal that all but one of the cards has rearranged themselves. Only one card is left face down (building suspense), the cards are flipped over and spread to reveal that in fact their card was the only one reversed.

"Fairest Triumph, I've ever seen! What you see IS what you get. Modern take on the classic"
- Patrick Kun(Creator & Consultant to David Copperfield)

What makes the modern triumph different than other triumphs?

  • First and Foremost no sleight of hand,
  • Unlike other similar decks this deck allows you to show the cards fixing themselves IMMEDIATELY upon shuffling them into each other
  • No need for any misdirection or flipping over of the deck
  • Unlike similar decks, with Modern Triumph you show BOTH sides are all facing one way, except for the selected card.


