2014 新版天才牌术 Born to Perform Card Magic by Oz Pearlman

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2014 新版天才牌术 Born to Perform Card Magic by Oz Pearlman



相信老版的这部教学,是很多扑克爱好者的启蒙教学吧。2014年企鹅魔术网Oz Pearlman卷土重来,发行了新版。至于新版和老版之间有何不同,魔友们自己看吧。


The most influential card DVD of the last decade. COMPLETELY UPDATED AND EXPANDED. Go from beginner to PRO with a deck of cards!


Learning card magic is like building a house. Everything starts with a strong foundation of basic building blocks.

World renowned magic instructor, Oz Pearlman will start you at the beginning of card magic and take you to a working professional's level. You'll progress faster than you thought possible by focusing on only the most powerful moves. This is a complete course in card magic without any filler.

By the time you're finished you'll have learned 7 full-length professional card tricks. You'll master the fundamentals, learn four of the most powerful controls, develop three high-powered forces and pick up five ultra-visual flourishes.

This isn't an encyclopedia -- it's an arsenal. Only the most powerful weapons of card magic are included.

Once you've mastered these key moves you'll be able to perform anytime, anywhere, with just a regular deck of cards! Imagine how it's going to feel to have the power to entertain crowds. Card magic is a skill that changes you, like riding a bike, or learning a new language. It's a super-power you'll have forever.


