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2017 最新牌穿玻璃Unbroken by Cody Nottingham

2017-06-21    作者:见证琪迹    来源:魔友网


【教学名称】:Unbroken by Cody Nottingham

This fooled me so bad when I first saw it!

Unavailable until now, this miracle has been locked in a vault for 2 years due to an agreement with a well-known magician who wanted it for his own personal repertoire. One of the perks of being a wealthy illusionist, I guess. Once you see the effect, you'll understand why he got so greedy.

Here's what happens:

Starting with nothing in your hands but a deck of cards... have your spectator choose a card, then have her point to ANYWHERE on the window. You then proceed to MELT her card right through the glass at EXACTLY that point. You have to see it to believe it.

It works on shop-windows, car-windows, glass doors.. almost anywhere you see a ordinary single-pane window. No assistants required, and it looks good from almost ANY angle.

PROFESSIONALS: This is a show-stopper. Look at the demo. If you need a card-through-window to end your show, this is definitely a trick you should consider. It's my personal favorite card-through-window by far.


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