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2017 皮筋跳跃1,2 Jump by Gregor Mann

2017-11-13    作者:见证琪迹    来源:魔友网

【教学名称】:Jump by Gregor Mann
Peng!! is a new take on the classic jumping rubberband. 
On this download you will learn a 3 phase jumping rubberband routine and the effect "Suzie the trained rubberband" where a rubberband jumps onto the spectators selected card.

You will also learn as a bonus the secret of shoting a rubberband onto a ring and another handling of the jumping rubberband that involves the spectator.

Peng is the sound it makes when you shoot a bullet and on this download you will learn how to shoot a rubberband like a bullet and make it jump as fast as a bullet

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