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Bandistry by Joe Rindfleisch video

2018-01-29    作者:威哥    来源:魔友网

【教学名称】:Bandistry by Joe Rindfleisch video 

Create 3D designs and much more with rubber bands. Bandistry is the first item to be released from the magic vault! Joe Rindfleisch is literally “stretching” the boundaries of what is possible with rubber bands! Using only two rubber bands, you can create 3D geometric shapes, diamonds and animated arrows. Each design leads seamlessly into the next one… or you can choose to only create the ones you like. Joe takes you step-by-step through each design with both front and back views (which makes learning this easy and fun no matter what your experience level is with rubber band magic).

In this comprehensive download you will learn the following designs:

  • Cube
  • Cuboid
  • Table Cut Diamond
  • Point Cut Diamond
  • Hexagonal Prism
  • Pentagonal Prism
  • Octagon (Stop Sign)
  • In the Palm Diamond
  • Tetrahedron Prism
  • Arrows
  • Double Triangle

Estimated running time: 25 minutes


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