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2016 纸牌魔术 B'Wave Deluxe by Max Maven

2018-02-18    作者:臧臧    来源:魔友网

【教学名称】:B'Wave Deluxe by Max Maven

The magician puts a packet of cards on the table. He says to the spectator, "Let's play a game of imagination. Imagine that these are the four Queens." He pantomimes plucking a card with each hand from the packet. "Imagine that I have removed two of the Queens. Do you think they are the black ones or the red ones?" The spectator says, for example, red. "That's amazing - you're correct!" says the magician. "Now, I will turn one of these Queens face up."

He pantomimes turning one card over, then putting the imaginary card back into the packet. He then says, "Which red Queen do you think I turned over, the heart or the diamond?" The spectator says, for example, diamond. "That's amazing - you're correct again!" says the magician. "Of course, if it's really true, then the Queen of Diamons msut be reversed in the packet. Let's see..." He spreads the cards. One is face up. It is the Queen of Diamonds.

"I want to be sure you understand that this magic was accomplished by imagination, not by sleight-of-hand. Therefore, I used a Queen of Diamonds with a different back." He turns over the Queen of Diamonds, showing that it has a contrasting back color!

"Also, because I knew you would pick the Queen of Diamonds, it was not necessary to use any printing on the faces of the other cards." He turns over the three face-down cards, revealing that their faces are blank!

Comes complete with special cards and instructions.


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